After heavy rain, my house had a leak. I couldn’t figure out the source and sent pictures to the roofing contractor to see if he could solve the puzzle. Within a few minutes, he texted, “On my way.”
Those three powerful words told me important truths:
1 Help would arrive.
2 A knowledgeable person would bring expertise to solve the problem.
3 Someone committed to stand with me.
This knowledge changed my fearful outlook into one of calm. With the experienced contractor at my side, we walked the area and surveyed the roof and gutter. We came up with a plan for resolution. The job isn’t completed, but steps to fix the runoff are underway.
This scenario has a spiritual dimension. While I often panic about issues, all I have to do is turn to God and ask for help. His wisdom will lead to solutions. Even as we begin to stutter a prayer, God answers, “On My way.”
“Do not be afraid. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them,” (Daniel 10:12 NIV).
Instead of hitting the panic button, we can seek God with confidence. He will attend to our needs.
Today’s prayer:
Dear Lord, sometimes we get tired of being brave. We feel defeated and overwhelmed. Please help us arise with boldness and anticipate Your rescue. Amen.