This peacock strolls around the neighborhood looking good.

This peacock strolls around the neighborhood looking good.

This gorgeous Indian peacock strolls around the neighborhood as though he doesn’t have a care in the world. He free-ranges with his friends near the school where I live. Local people say the birds have been in the area for decades and belong to no one. Some speculate they escaped from Busch Gardens years ago, then naturalized.

I love the novelty of seeing such beautiful creatures roaming independently. When I stopped my car to get pictures, more paraded by. There were peacocks (males), peahens (females), and peachicks (babies). The males are the ones with the shimmery metallic blue-green plumage that draws attention.

That got me wondering about what human features attract the notice of others. Is it our clothes or cars? How often do we look beyond the obvious exterior to see souls?

In the Bible, God reminds us not to make shallow judgments based on outward appearances, rather than what is in someone’s heart. He tells us, “To be made new in the attitude of our minds and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness,” (Ephesians 4:23-24 NIV).

When we look beyond stereotypes and labels, there is beauty to behold. That’s when a party starts, and by the way, “party” is exactly what a flock of peafowl is commonly called.

Resources about peafowl: