Bouquet discovered on morning walk

Bouquet discovered on morning walk

Significant Find Two buttery-yellow blossoms rested on the sidewalk the morning after a big rainstorm. I stopped to pick up the delicate plumeria, admiring the white tips and floral sweet fragrance. They were too precious to discard, so I cradled them in my palm all the way home. They looked elegant arranged in a simple, shallow dish. While admiring them on the kitchen window sill, I smiled at the beautiful, unexpected gift from God. He sent a bouquet, and all I had to do was be observant enough to notice. The thing is, I almost walked right by those flowers. Taking that extra moment to investigate proved valuable. God spoke of His tender love and presence in that unexpected find early in the day. He does that for us—subtle hints that He is near and accompanies us everywhere we go. He whispers, “I AM here and love you.” Experience His presents petting a cat’s soft fur or feeling a child’s warm hug. Pausing for a moment to observe His goodness protects us from discouragement. These quiet moments reassure that we are significant to Him. Treasure the beautiful surprises along the way.