At a recent art show, I noticed a young man playing the piano in the gallery’s corner. Hunched under a cotton black hoodie, he sat behind a baby grand and made her sing. With no sheet music, he played for more than an hour. His hands flew across the keys and called forth beautiful notes.
I asked for permission to take his picture to celebrate his amazing talent, but his mom declined. Anyone who passed him on the sidewalk or in a hallway would never know the secret abilities God’s gifted him, unless they heard the fabulous impromptu concert.
Hidden inside each of us is a wonderful song that no one else can perform. Have you allowed God to develop your gifts to share with a world needing beauty?
Maybe you recognize your talents, but find that doubt or temptation block your song. “But who can discern their own errors?” wonders a poet, “Forgive my hidden faults,” (Psalm 19:12 NIV).
As we step out in faith, God makes miracles possible. He displays His glory through those who humbly seek Him.
“Praise be to you, Lord; teach me your decrees,” (Psalm 119:12 NIV).
May He open our eyes to see wonderful things.