It looked like a crazy stairway climbed up the building, with carnival yellow windows playing peekaboo.

It looked like a crazy stairway climbed up the building, with carnival yellow windows playing peekaboo.

Light played tag on the building, creating an optical illusion. It looked like a crazy stairway climbed up the stories, with carnival yellow windows playing peekaboo. The unusual show made me stop and wonder what was going on. 

Ever have moments like that?

We expect to see one thing, but something completely different appears. Puzzles are part of the faith walk.

“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face,” writes Paul to friends in Corinth around 55 A.D. “Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12 NIV).

Paul didn't know his letters would be read centuries later by believers who seek knowledge. But he was faithful in the moment, which impacts not only today, but also the future.

Even if we can’t fully see the results of work we do now, we can trust God’s love is reflected in each act of goodness and kindness.


If you like optical illusions, this link has a great faith-based activity about Jesus: