Times of brokenness can blend into a newfound beauty.

Times of brokenness can blend into a newfound beauty.

It’s easy to be brave when nothing’s wrong. It’s easy to be bold when there have been no losses. However, experiencing gut-wrenching fear and sorrow define who we become.

Tragedy offers a fork in the road: break or rebuild. Will we accept disaster, trusting God to redeem? Or do we turn our backs, angry He didn’t protect?

Our faith is refined in the wrestling, and each of us have seasons of pain to work through.

Author Paulo Coelho tackled this topic in his novel “The Fifth Mountain,” which is loosely based on the prophet Elijah’s life. He wrote: “Only those men and women with the sacred flame in their hearts had the courage to confront Him (God). And they alone knew the path back to His love, for they understood that tragedy was not punishment but challenge.” (p. 205)

Once calamity hits, there’s no turning back to the life we had before. A beloved child severs communication. A marriage ruptures. A business collapses. Overwhelmed with shock, we stumble and search for solid footing.

We cry out to God, often shaking our fists in frustration. How could He allow the unthinkable to happen?

Coelho offers hope. “For it is that struggle with the divine that blesses us and makes us grow. We grasp the opportunity in the tragedy and do our duty by Him, by proving we were able to obey the order to walk. Even in the worst of circumstances, we have forged ahead.” (p. 225)

Each broken piece of our lives can be reassembled into a beautiful mosaic. Our testimony of overcoming encourages other pilgrims searching through rubble to find remnants of strength.

Today’s Prayer:

Dear Lord, we need reassurance of your love and nearness. What we thought was safe has collapsed. Please renew our faith to be able to contend with the doubts and devastation so that we will rebuild.