Joy, oh joy. Waiting is what I do NOT like to do. My preferred speed is sprinting ahead and leaving a dust trail. Only problem is, this headlong pace wears me out—and everyone around me. God frequently intervenes and puts me in time out.
I do not like these intervals of inaction. Tapping my toes and drumming my fingers, I then pace back and forth begging God to put me back in the game.
However, when I discipline myself to sit still and reflect, there are many gifts to be unwrapped in seasons of uncertainty. Sometimes, my body needs time to rest and heal. My mind needs a break from churning to be able to relax in quiet. My heart seeks deeper passion often obscured when performing daily demands.
Instead of loss, waiting becomes an opportunity to inquire of the Lord and ask him what comes next. This interlude is a date with the Holy One to enjoy his company. He will provide specific direction for the next phase and equip us for whatever lies ahead. Trust him.
If you are waiting in life for God's direction and want to listen to a song of encouragement, please follow this link to YouTube for "Wait on You" by Elevation Worship and Maverick City.
"And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his (God's) name" (Acts 22:16 NIV).