The donut display at a bakery calls out invitations to enjoy more.

The donut display at a bakery calls out invitations to enjoy more.

Temptation! We all face it. Yearnings for something more can take us down unhealthy paths.

Donuts are my downfall. (That and any other delicious sweet.) Chocolate calls my name while cherry filling giggles. My mouth waters and resolution to stay away from sugar melts.

Not that there is anything wrong with pastries. The problem is my lack of discipline. If I have one almond twist, then I want four–or five. And could I please also have a pumpkin spice donut?

When I face desires that I know will lead me astray, I have to pray for help. Jesus told his disciples: “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41 and Mark 14:38 NIV).

Jesus gave this instruction in the Garden of Gethsemane, just before being arrested. He knows we face lures that would take us off course. We can ask for help to keep away from pitfalls.


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For more information about how to identify sugar overload in your foods, read: