Friends see beyond our brokenness to celebrate our beauty.

Friends see beyond our brokenness to celebrate our beauty.

My friend Lynda gave a gift I treasure. She designed a bookmark with floral needlepoint and
my first initial. Every time I place the bookmark on the edge of a page, I smile thinking about
her gentle influence.

Lynda included a sweet note on the back: “This quote makes me think of you. How you look
‘A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers
in your gardens.’ ”

Though the quote’s author is unknown, the sentiment relates to all who are fortunate to
have someone who sees the best in us. Our flaws don’t prevent them from loving us and
being with us.

The Bible says: “A friend loves at all times” Proverbs 17:17 NIV.
That’s a great challenge for us going forward. Can we be that friend who sees beyond
brokenness to discover the garden full of beauty in another person?