Maybe your hair is too short. Or curly. And how about that nose that is a bit too wide or eyebrows that connect across the brow.
We get bombarded with messages about what is beautiful, but do we ever feel like we are?
In the demanding pursuit of becoming “attractive,” we can spend lots of money and lose track of what makes us unique. Can we learn to turn away from the mirror and fashion magazines to see ourselves as God does?
He makes everything beautiful in its time. We can gaze upon the incredible variety of flowers for shapes, sizes, and colors to treasure. No two are alike; neither are we.
Let the Master Gardener tend to you and help you bloom in your own way and in your own time. He makes you flawless and beautiful.
Today’s Bible verse:
“You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you” Song of Songs 4:7 NIV.
Arranged with Love is a hardback with 30 devotions and color flower photographs.